#Flynn: Son of Crimson
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amusedunderclock · 11 months ago
Backlog: Talking About Indie Games - Flynn: Son of Crimson
Originally I posted this somewhere else early 2022, but I'm trying to consolidate right now.
So Flynn: Son of Crimson was a game I wishlisted on Steam a while back. Could not tell you where I heard of it. Even when I originally wrote this, it was in my wishlist for a while. Turns out, it was also on Game Pass at the time. I reached the 101% achievement in the game. I think overall, the game is good. You can probably get 5 hours out of it in one sitting, but I was taking my time.
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In general, the music is calming. You're not gonna see rock songs here. But it gets intense when it needs to. Someone may argue the art is similar to a lot of other indie titles, but idk what to say. The backgrounds are well detailed, the animations are great.
The enemies have unique attacks and more often than not, have more than one attack for variety. I will say the electric ones were kinda annoying, especially the bees in that cave level where you have to platform just right to avoid electric fish. Like, calm down.
The combat system gives you a decent amount of freedom off the bat. Flynn feels good to control. The dodge roll is great. Only thing that held me back was my own impatience. What do I mean? Well I went the whole story without really uppercutting or down smashing anything. Really only ended up doing those to complete the in-game achievements. Would those attacks have helped my playthrough be somewhat smoother? Possibly a little, but not anything crazy.
The game gives you a lot to fight with in hindsight. However, this is also one of those games where backtracking with all the upgrades is kinda pointless. You only go back to get missing relics that are accessible without most upgrades.
Hero Mode's a thing. That wasn't on the Game Pass version though so i couldn't judge that when I wrote this. Maybe in the future I'll look into it.
Getting all the relics isn't exactly worth it. It really seems to exist for the people to casually find every now and then while messing around in the game. I fall into this category. But I just wasn't interested because there are places in the game you'd THINK would have secrets in them and just...don't. Kinda lessens the impulse to collect everything. Maybe that was intentional from the devs, but who knows? To me though, it just makes certain areas feel like ther could've been less empty space.
I don't want to be one of those people talking about "ThE sToRy dOeSn'T mAtTeR" because this has more going on than some games. I would say the story is told as much in the levels as it is in dialogue. It gives the setting some depth. The Scourge idea with everything on lockdown is great.
As a story though, it's pretty straight forward more or less. I think there were missed opportunities.
The NPCs don't say anything new as the story goes on.
There probably could've been a Scourge event n the town Flynn starts in. Full circle and all that.
Flynn clearly has friends his age. They probably never experienced the war people talk about. Perhaps the kids have something to say, yet nothing's said.
Plus, just the overall idea that Flynn is literally more god mode than the literal goddess for no reason. But I wouldn't know how to write around that. So it's hard to judge.
Smaller issues are just what features get screen time. The glider's cool, and it was only there for half a level. The Dex segments happen perhaps a little too late in the game. The backtracking thing feels extra weird when you're never allowed to destroy vine spikes or destroy ice with your fire blasts. Aside from that last point, it's the little things like that could've improved the game if tweaked or given a little bit more time to cook.
But beyond that, it hits all the points it needs to. There's a decent amount packed in here. It even has enemy gauntlet areas. Do I think it's worth buying? Yes. Especially at a sale. The game got good reviews. I don't entirely know if I'd give it the same score that ended up on Metacritic, but I see that for an indie game, for the amount of time you spend on this, the quality, amount of content, and price, I understand. I think it is a very solid game.
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lazyboycentral · 2 years ago
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Well holy shit, I actually finished a game from my backlog. I figured this one wouldn't take much time to polish off. It's a short ride (and unfortunately, not a really exciting one) but it was still a good time nonetheless.
What really grabbed me about this game is the pixel graphic design. Maybe it's because of my age but I'm a sucker for well-animated sprite art in modern games, and Flynn definitely delivers in that regard. Everything is almost needlessly animated so fluidly, it's almost at a Metal Slug level. The graphics were the only thing I was really impressed with, though; the gameplay itself, while incredibly solid and precise and what you should expect in any good action-platformer, felt pretty basic overall. Don't get me wrong, the game was still a good time and had plenty of challenge (especially some of the later bosses), but it all just felt very...familiar, if you catch my drift. You get new weapons and upgrades throughout the game, and even invest in a skill tree, but nothing this game offers really adds anything new to the table.
I'd give it a couple points, though. For one, there are lots of secrets in the game, like alternate routes, hidden treasures to collect, and bonus challenge hoard levels. Kinda gives off a Super Mario World vibe with all the hidden stuff you can find in certain levels. Also I gotta give a shoutout to Dex, your floofy dog companion in the game. Around the midpoint, you get to ride on her back and just wreck shit up with her incredible power and traverse areas of the level your on that you normally couldn't traverse on your own. Dex is really fun to play as, but you can only use her in designated levels (which is fair...she would break the game entirely if you could bring her everywhere). Still, seeing Dex being summoned in a level was always something to get me excited for. Not much else of the game did, to be honest.
Wish I could say more about this game, but that's honestly my reaction to it. This certainly doesn't sound like the most glowing review of Flynn, but I assure you it's still worth playing...maybe if you get it on sale. It's one of those "short but sweet" games; a very pretty game and quite challenging at times, but won't take too much time to finish and will feel like something is lacking when you get to the end. Perhaps this one wasn't the best start to tackling my backlog, but it is a decent start.
Next on my backlog is my first step to playing every Assassin's Creed game I can, starting with Assassin's Creed...2? Ehh, I'll get into that later.
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prokopetz · 10 months ago
Recently I've been wanting to play a metroidvania, and I realized I don't have that many in my backglog. I was looking through some of your game recs like the free games post which made me think to ask you (since you're a Metroidvania Person). So: I was wondering if you had any recommendations for metroidvanias? Ideally on the cheaper side (like, under $10).
Cheap metroidvanias which I'd actually recommend, eh? In the interest of keeping this list relatively short, I'm going to construe the term "metroidvania" narrowly and exclude anything which isn't a 2D side-scrolling platfomer. (i.e., so 3D exploration platformers, top down Zelda-likes, etc. are off the table.) I'll also warn you that I have a fairly high tolerance for jank, so maybe check the reviews first!
A Game with a Kitty 1 & Darkside Adventures*†
Alwa's Awakening^
Axiom Verge 2^
Blue Rabbit
Dreaming Sarah
Environmental Station Alpha
Ex Vitro*
Flynn: Son of Crimson^
Frauki's Adventure!
Gato Roboto^
Hunter's Legacy
Maya Star
Mech Chip
The Messenger^
Mini Ghost
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
Mystik Belle^
Nyaruru Fishy Fight
Omega Strike
Simona's Requiem
SJ-19 Learns To Love
Spooky Ghosts Dot Com
Sun Wukong VS Robot
Super Skelemania
Tiny Dangerous Dungeons
Trash Quest
Treasure Hunter Man 2^†
Treasures of the Aegean^
The Vagrant^
Visual Out
Wild West Crops
William and Sly: Classic Collection*
Zapling Bygone^
* free ^ on sale at the time of this posting; may not still be under $10 if you're viewing this post after the sale ends † older title that's not 100% compatible with modern OSes, so you may need to do a lot of fiddling to get your gamepad working
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help-an-alter · 7 months ago
Hi first off this blog is awesome and I think this is such a cool idea. Secondly we just found out about a new subsystem of fragments and we need some help with their names and such.
It’s a Kpop/Idol group each one based on different colours of the rainbow. (Including light and dark of each colour) would it be okay to ask this all in the one ask or would you prefer separate asks for each? They’re still undecided on gender so any for names and pronouns would be fine.
Sorry if this is a lot.
Also could we claim ��🌌 if possible?
Hi anon ! mod firefly here ,, you can totally claim that :3 thanks for giving the blog compliments !!! We'll separate it by the colours !
names ,,,
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Red themed ,,
Rouge , Red , Scarlett / Scarlet , Poppy , Rory , Reed , Ruby , Flynn , Garnet , Jasper , Opal , Rhodonite , Carnelian , Flame , Fire / Fyre , Blaze / Blaise , Poppy
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Orange themed ,,
Topaz , Opal , Amber / Ambre , Clementine , Coral , Saffron , Alani , Ginger , Blaine , Ember / Embre , Peaches , Nerenxa , Aurelia , Blaine , Azahaur , Cyrus , Garfield , Daisy
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Yellow themed ,,
Helio / Helios , Sol , Apollo , Xanthe , Marigold , Citrine , Elio , Casper , Sunny / Sunney / Sunni / Sunnie , Flavia , Goldie , Gildie , Gilderoy , Sunday , Erica / Erika , Aura , Zahava , Ziva / Ziv , Apolline / Apollina , Eleanor , Dahlia / Dalia , Zinnia / Zinnie , Camille / Camylle / Camyle / Cam , Clara
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Green themed ,,
Shiloh , ShamRock / ShamRoc / ShamRok , Laurel , Em / Emerald , Ivy , Midori , Myrthe , Meadow , Thyme , Spring , Celadon , Hunter / Huntre , Kelly / Kelli / Kelley , Ciara
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Blue themed ,,
Emily , Azure , Seafoam , Blu , Marina , River / Rivre , Cyan , Sapphire , Indigo , Marlais , Carolina , Iris , Maya , Capri , Marian / Maryan , Yves , Sini
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Purple themed ,,
Cecil / Cecilia / Cecyl / Cecylia / Cecylya , Violet , Prince / Prynce , Rain , King , Heath , Heather , Martin / Martyn , Dexter , Gefen / Gefyn , Gethen / Gethyn , Jacinto , Vincio , Vincius / Vincyus / Vyncius / Vyncyus , Jasper / Jaspre , Harold , Harry / Harri , Harriet / Harryet / Harriett / Harryett / Hariette / Harryette , Louis , George , Leroy , Roye / Roy , Rex / Rexx / Rexe / Rexxe , Rey / Ray / Reye / Raye / Reyes / Rayes , Indigo / Indygo , Indi / Indy , Indiana , Lavendar / Lavender , Vander / Vender , Evander / Evandyr / Evender / Evendyr , Perry / Perri , Periwinkle / Periwynkle , Mage / Mayge , Magenta / Magynta , Jack / Jac , Jacaranda , Pru , Prunella
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Pink themed ,,
Rose , Roisin , Rosa , Rosalind / Rosalynd , Rosalina / Rosalyna , Rosalynne / Rosalynn / Rosalyn / Rosalinne / Rosalinn / Rosalin , Barbie / Barbye / Barbara , Ken , Adrienne / Adryenne , Penelope , Cordelia , Coral , Elle , Woody / Woodi / Woodey / Woodie , Priscilla / Priscylla / Pryscilla / Pryscylla , Cadillac / Cadyllac ,
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Pronouns ,,,
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Red themed ,,
red/reds , cer/ise , cer/cerise , crim/son , crim/crimson , scar/let , scar/scarlet , burg/burgundy , burg/undy , fi/fire , py/pyro ,
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Orange themed ,,
or/ange , orange/oranges , sun/rise , sunrise/sunrises , mari/gold , mari/marigold , aura/auras
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Yellow themed ,,
yell/ow , yell/yellow , yellow/yellows , sun/rise , sunrise/sunrises , mari/gold , mari/marigold , au/ra , aura/auras , sun/flower , sunflower/sunflowers , fi/fire , pyr/pyro , sun/suns , sun/shine , suns/sunshine , sunshine/sunshines , sun/sunshine , bri/bright
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Green themed ,,
gree/green , green/greens , li/lime , sprout/sprouts , plant/planty , grow/grows , tree/trees , for/est , forest/forests
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Blue themed ,,
blu/blue , blue/blues , teal/teals , cy/an , cy/cyans , rain/rainy , snow/snows , ice/ices , sky/blue , sky/skies ,
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Purple themed ,,
ind/igo , indigo / indigos , pur/ple , purp/le , purple/purples , pur/purp , vio/let , vio/violet , violet/violets , lil/ac , li/lac , lila/lilac , lilac/lilacs , orch/orchid , orchid/orchids , lav/endar , lav/ender , lavendar/lavendars , lavender/lavenders
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Pink themed ,,
pink/pinks , tul/ip , tulip/tulips , ro/rose , rose/roses , pea/peach , peach/peaches , sal/mon , sal/salmon , salmon/salmons , carn/ation , carnation/carnations
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I hope these help all of them !! :3
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zehecatl · 2 years ago
happy steam sale to all, here’s a 'little’ rec list for (primarily) indie games that, in my opinion, isn’t as popular as they deserve to be!
Ghostwire: Tokyo -60% the only triple a game you’ll see on this list, and my own all time personal favourite. if you like anime, japanese history and folklore, and bromance, you will very likely love this game. it also lets you explore Tokyo and pet the dogs! and cats! literally perfect game!!
Iconoclasts -70% i have been shilling this game, at every major steam sale, for pretty much four-five years. before Ghostwire, it was my all time favourite video game. it was in development, by one person, for around eight years. it is still, in my opinion, one of the most gorgeous pieces of pixel art in the whole damn medium. just. please check it out i beg
Angels of Death -40% rpgmaker game that absolutely excels at being a character driven story. it also got an anime adaptation? which i’ve actually never seen?? but if you grew up playing horror rpgmaker games, please do yourself a favour, and check this out. and if you didn’t- check it out anyway! it’s not super scary or anything, with a more psychological horror focus
Owlboy -65% tiny owl boy does his very best and will worm his way into your heart and then crush it because life is maybe a bit too cruel to him. also you can fly! did i mention you can fly??
Pony Island + The Hex -80% did you adore Inscryption? did you like the meta element? then oh boy, should you check out Daniel Mullins’ two former games! they’re good! probably has the same vibe as Inscryption! could not tell you i still have not played that thing! but these are both very good, and absolutely worth every cent
Underhero -70% it’s a bit rough around the edges, but man, this game has so much love put into it, and i think it deserves way more love than it got
My Friend Pedro -75% the action is definitely the high point here, but i have a personal soft spot for the lil’ bit of lore we do get. like, there is something there, and i want to dig my fingers in. also wacky banana is funny
Sayonara Wild Hearts -40% queer girls on motorcycles? in my rhythm game?? it’s more likely than you think!! (also, if you suck at rhythm games: me too, this is still worth picking up)
MO:Astray -50% the fact that seemingly no one on tumblr has played this... despite the fact that it feels like it’d be a right shoe in... criminal. there is a little CREACHUR! LOOK AT IT. IT IS A SLIME!!
The Messenger -75% i legit thought this game was way more popular than it, apparently, is, which i think just speaks volume of my opinion on it. it’s genuinely right up there with Shovel Knight as iconic retro throwbacks- plus! the devs are making THE most gorgeous indie rpgs, apparently set in the same universe. so that is another reason to check it out
This Strange Realm of Mine -90% an extremely weird little game that will likely not be for everyone, or even most people, but that i really liked. considering the price, i don’t really think there’s much to lose on buying this little gem
Darkside Detective -70% funny point & click game with very shipable protagonists! there’s also a ‘second season’ that i have not played (yet), but is very likely absolutely worth getting
Haiku, the Robot -33% it is, rather obviously, not as good as Hollow Knight, but if you’re suffering from ‘waiting for Silksong’, perhaps this little gem will tide you over
Transiruby -30% another small metroidvania! has really pretty pixel art, and is just a fun little time
Flynn, Son of Crimson -50% not what it was promised, but it’s a fun platformer with gorgeous pixel art, and a dog. it’s a good time, and isn’t that what we all want :]
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows -70% a cute horror game, with excellent enemy designs, and a whole town to explore. also the story is so good. i am still absolutely enamoured with this title. this is, technically, the 2nd in a series, but you can play the games standalone, and while i’m sure the 1st is just as good, i’ve only played this one. because priorities (also keep in mind!! that this is a horror game!!! i’d recommend looking up some trigger warnings, because, uh. horror game!)
A Short Hike -35% just an extremely cozy and fun little game. exploring every inch of this island was just such a good time, i still think extremely fondly of this title
Webbed -30% i am gently laying an hand on the shoulder of every bug enthusiastic on this website. you play as a spider. who is trying to get back her boyfriend from a bird. and there’s a really fun swinging mechanic. do you really need anything more?
Garden Story -60% i am once again shocked this game isn’t more popular. what do you mean a cozy adventure game with community restoration, foraging, and some fun combat with a grape protagonist isn’t one of the biggest sellers in cozy gaming spheres. there’s a frog. you can put on different hats. what else do you want!!
Donut County -70% funny little game about making holes and being a chaotic racoon. i have an extremely soft spot for the characters in this, i could not explain it <3
also Oxenfree is not on sale, but it’s cheap, and the sequel is dropping very soon! and you should absolutely check it out! because it’s really REALLY good!!
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puppiesandanime · 2 years ago
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Zealock attack from Flynn: Son of Crimson
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gaming · 6 years ago
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Indie Game Spotlight: Flynn: Son of Crimson
This week’s Indie Game Spotlight is one of secret pathways and monster battles. It has relics of ancient Rosantica along with effigies and monuments that reveal hints to the past. It allows you to assume the role of a young man who was orphaned as a child, and now seeks to understand the shadows of his upbringing while awakening an ancient power within him. Meet Flynn: Son of Crimson.
We had a chance to speak with Simon, Designer/Producer and Case, Designer/Programmer with some music insight from composer Jacob Lincke. Simon and Case co-designed Flynn: Son of Crimson from the beginning. While Simon is in California and Case is located in England, they make the time difference work by never sleeping. How great is that? Talk about teamwork!
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Who is Flynn and how did you come up with his concept?
Case: Flynn had many iterations in the early days and we built him up slowly and carefully overtime. The name “Flynn” has an Irish origin meaning of the “son of the red-haired one” and this was a pretty solid anchor for it to stick and has done ever since (We love red stuff, okay!?). He is a young adult taking care of the small island he lives on with his lovable companion (and island guardian), Dex, and surrogate father, Borin.
What are some major influences to the game?
Case: We take inspiration from a mixed bag of games which you’ll be able to eyeball at different parts of the game. Legend of Zelda: BOTW is a big inspiration of mine when it comes to combat mechanics and areas in which you learn how certain tools and abilities interact with each other. Castle Crashers and Full Metal Furies combat styles stuck with me for a while and I wouldn’t be too surprised if they influenced combat in Flynn without me even realizing it; those games are fantastic!
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How did the team come up with the design and animation style? 
Simon: We’re lucky to have such a great art team behind Flynn. Phil Giarrusso is on the environmental and character design, Hunter Russell does all the animations, and Jaya Ply creating all the concept art. When designing the current Flynn, we decided to go for a slightly simplified system allowing for a fluid style of animation that wouldn’t take about 60 years to complete. It has been going very well for us so far!
Sound is always an important factor to storytelling. What can we expect from the game's soundtrack? 
Jacob: Capturing story and atmospheric themes is indeed important and has been a fundamental aspect of the scoring process. Music arrangements and overall sound has shifted as the game continues to evolve but the essence of our musical themes has remained. Flynn: Son of Crimson will feature a soundtrack full of fiery, serene and hum-friendly melodies inspired by traditional folk music from various cultures and accompanied by a symphonic orchestra.
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Dex looks like the best boy. How did you come up with creating a companion for Flynn? Is Dex inspired by any real-life companions?
Case: She certainly is a best boy! Originally Dex started out as a sort of cat-like robot when Flynn was in the very early stages of development and the name was short for “Index.” However, after a big development overhaul, we decided to change the feline inspired bot into something more lovable. The name Dex stuck and we decided to go with a huge fluff ball because, well...dogs are better than cats (Yikes! Did I say that out loud?).
How important is community involvement and feedback to the game's process? 
Simon: We’ve always loved the thought of having unique designs from different people all over the world filling up the world of Flynn with their visions! Community is a huge part of indie game development and we try to be as involved as possible. Showing what we’ve been doing, no matter how rough the idea has been, has been a huge help with the community’s feedback, so we try to keep our development open and honest as often as we can without spoiling too much.
Flynn will eventually be available on Steam, PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch (hopefully)! Check out their website and Twitter for game devlogs to keep up with the updates. Ready to commit? Wishlist Flynn: Son of Crimson here!
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pcgamer · 4 years ago
Flynn: Son Of Crimson | PC HD Gameplay Preview
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theplaystationbrahs · 4 years ago
Top 5 Upcoming Indie Games For 2021
Top 5 Upcoming Indie Games For 2021
Way back in 2020 which feels like forever ago, (great thing we put that year behind us) we got some pretty fantastic Indie games. Now we can look forward to a year that promises to bring some amazing titles and here, just for you are some of my favorite upcoming games.
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lost-in-video-game-land · 2 years ago
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day 23
oops i didn’t change the date on the drawing
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demifiendrsa · 4 years ago
Humble Games’ lineup of upcoming games will be available via Xbox Game Pass for Console, Cloud, and PC on day one 
 The full lineup of day one Xbox Game Pass games includes:
Archvale – Embark on a journey to find the ruins of a long-believed mythic arch in this colorful hybrid between classic RPGs and bullet hells. You’ll be pushed to your limits in enemy filled biomes and only through mastery of skills and weapons will you succeed.
Bushiden – Your sister has vanished and rumors swirl that Gaoh has been resurrected with an evil army at his command. Explore for cybernetic upgrades until you are powerful enough to defeat the diabolic Gaoh and his cybergentic army once and for all in this futuristic, action platformer!
Chinatown Detective Agency: Chinatown Detective Agency is a cybernoir point and click adventure blending stunning retro design with innovative mechanics. Manage your detective agency and use real world research to solve cases as you unravel a global conspiracy.
Dodgeball Academia – In a world that lives and breathes all things dodgeball, you’ll join Otto at the academia to train to become the ultimate dodgeball champion. Make friends, build formidable teams, and level up in order to dominate on and off the courts! Available now on Xbox One, Cloud Gaming (Beta), and PC with Xbox Game Pass.
Flynn: Son of Crimson – Help Flynn and his mythical companion Dex save Rosantica before the evil from The Scourge claims his home. In Flynn: Son of Crimson, you’ll go on a journey of discovery and conflict as you learn to master the power of Crimson Energy. Available on September 15, 2021.
Midnight Fight Express – Fight your way across the city in a brutal romp that mixes old school brawlers and fast-paced motion-captured combat. Battle across multiple, distinct hand-crafted levels on foot or a variety of vehicles.
Next Space Rebels – In Next Space Rebels, you will develop from a naive rocket hobbyist into an experienced space activist by designing, building, and launching rockets of increasing complexity.
Signalis – A classic survival horror experience with a unique aesthetic, full of melancholic mystery. Investigate a dark secret, solve puzzles, fight off nightmarish creatures and navigate dystopian, surreal retrotech worlds as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams.
Unpacking – Unpack like never before! Arrange an unseen character’s belongings through a variety of moves, learning about them through each transition, in this self-paced zen puzzle game.
Unsighted – After a long war with the humans, the few androids that remain in Arcadia are running out of Anima, the energy that gives all robots consciousness. It’s up to you, Alma, to find a way to recover your memories and save your friends from becoming Unsighted.
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lazyboycentral · 2 years ago
This current generation of video games is going to be my last. I’m finally out of that “16-34” age bracket and I feel that it’s time to move on. I’ll spend my glory years doing another hobby (like building model cars or preparing for my lonesome death under the nearest turnpike bridge), but not before going out with a bang and attacking my backlog. I made an account at Backloggd and put up all the games I wanna play and…
…oh no.
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…I did say I’d go out with a bang. I might be dead before I finish it all. This list isn’t even set in stone, as I might add new games later on, though only ones up to this current generation of games (Switch and Xbox Series). Whatever lies in the future will have to live on without me…at least, that’s the plan.
I was gonna write about some noteworthy games on this list (which includes every single Assassin’s Creed AND Like a Dragon game…better buckle my fuckles for that), but I’ve decided that’s far too much work. I think instead I’ll talk about them individually as I finish them. Keep in mind that some of these titles are available to me through Xbox Game Pass (which hasn’t helped my backlog problem) as well as Ubisoft+ (don’t judge me), so some of these on the list might disappear depending on their availability.
I will say that the first game I’m gonna tackle is Flynn: Son of Crimson. It’s been fairly easy so far, so it’s looking like a good way to start this crazy scheme of mine.
Even if I might ultimately give up on this whole thing…wish me luck!
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fridge-reviews · 3 years ago
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Flynn: Son of Crimson - Blast Review
Developer: Studio Thunderhorse Rrp: £15.49 (Gog.com, Humblebundle and Steam)
Before I start this review I want to make it known that I was one of the backers of this game on Kickstarter.
It used to be that I hated difficult platform games, I just found them frustrating and not worth the heartache, so to speak. However, in the last year or so I've grown to appreciate them, perhaps my patience has improved or maybe I've grown more skilled (this I doubt) but for whatever reason they've entered my wheelhouse and I'm loving it. Flynn: Son of Crimson is one of those difficult games, the combat is tough even with the monsters telegraphing their next strike.
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Now, I'm sure someone out there will mention it so I may as well do it here. There is a way to make this game not challenging at all, the accessibility options has the, uh... option to turn off player damage, so yes you can turn make yourself invulnerable. I have no issue with that existing and believe that every game should have a setting like it, if you use it then that's your choice and doesn't impact the way I play.
I do have to say that this is something of a short game, I managed to complete the whole thing in just about 13 hours and some of that was with the game minimised while I ate food or just took a bit of a break. Still, I think its worth the Rrp simply for the enjoyment I got out of it.
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mibol-gamer-log · 3 years ago
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diversegaminglists · 1 year ago
Games Finished in 2023
Didn't get as much gaming as I usually do, due to a combination of health issues, my cat having cancer (she's fine now) and my computer breaking in a couple of infuriatingly nebulous ways.
Games I recommend are bolded.
Franken RPG
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Bound by Flame
Monster Train
The Last Door Season One
Unforgiving: A Northern Hymn
Dirk Smallwood HD
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Flynn: Son of Crimson
Dishonored: Knife of Dunwall
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches
Sands of Salazaar
Talk to Me
Dishonored 2
Power Wash Simulator
Power Wash Simulator: Tomb Raider
Power Wash Simulator: Midgar
Cloud Gardens
Memory Traces: Japan
Khimera: Puzzle Island
Katamari Damacy Reroll
I was a Teenage Exocolonist
100 Hidden Frogs
Lights Off...
Suspicious Downpour
The Lost Dachshund
Resonance of the Ocean
Swallow the Sea
Shadow Burglar
Fears to Fathoms: Home Alone
Rapture: The Beginning
Adventure Escape Christmas Killer
Apeture Desk Job
Corridor Z
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
The Shore
Alder's Blood: Prologue
Mirlo Above the Sun
The Call of Karen
Epic Battle Fantasy 5
Aztlan Uncovered: Prologue
Good Dog
Adventure Escape Mysteries: Cluedo
You are a Whale Also Part 1
Adventure Escape Mysteries: Midnight Carnival
I want to be a Triangle
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
The Case of the Golden Idol
The Darkside Detective
Project Exhibited
The Case of the Golden Idol: The Spider of Lanka
The Test
You Will (Not) Remain
Bad Dream: Stories
Star Apprentice: Magical Murder Mystery
Glass Masquerade 3: Honey Lines
Dot's Home
Westwood Shadows: Prologue
The Suicide of Rachel Foster
The Looker
Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull
Without a Voice
Escape Academy
One Night Stand
Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice
Don't Escape Trilogy
Spirit Cleaning
Fatum Betula
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
Riddles of the Past
Desolatium: Prologue
The Vagrant
Apocalipsis: One Night in the Woods
Hayami Chan
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Memory Traces: Egypt
Baldur's Gate 3
Zombie Admin
The Lost Night
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (PS4)
The Painscreek Killings
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
One-Eyed Lee: Prologue
Nasty Little Man
Halo CE: Anniversary
Technoccult: Covenant
To be a Herpwitch
Seethe and Scab
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition: Main Campaign
Moons of Madness
Dragon's Crown Pro (PS4)
Paradise Killer
Amnesia: Rebirth
Dave the Diver
Fighting Fantasy Classics: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
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toonyred · 3 years ago
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I first heard about this game like a week ago and sjdmfj it looks so pretty,,,
though I know nothing about this game besides
-someone is trying to take over Rosantica I think
-many weapon
so yeah let's see how this goes 😭
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the music kinda gives me skyward sword vibes for some reason 😭
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